I believe that we are instruments of God’s will. He can’t possibly do it all Himself, so uses us in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to “get the job done”. I try to be open to what He tells me to do, tho I confess I’m probably usually “Daddy-deaf”. But I do know that there is one good thing that I do, besides raising my kids, and I am proud of it, too! 🙂
A neighbor’s wife suddenly and tragically died about 7-8 years ago, leaving behind an 8-or-9 year old daughter and a husband who traveled about 24 days out of the month. In my state of shock and “it could’ve been me”, I fired off a little gift and card to the girl, signing it “Love, Your Secret Angel”. Well, one thing led to another, and another, and 8 years later I’m still sending funny and sometimes motivational notes and cards and little gifts. Now they’ve moved far away (closer to family), making my little game all the more fun, because I have to be sneaky and clever to find out insider’s info! She turns 16 on Thursday, so I found a florist close to their home, and pledging them to secrecy, arranged for roses to be sent. I have gotten such a thrill out of this; she has no idea that its ME that has benefitted all these years! I plan to reveal myself on her h.s. graduation. What do you think? And, by the way, Dad is re-marrying in just a month…how great for them both, a complete family once again!
The moral of the story? As my husband would say, “If you think it…Do It!”..and the world will be a better place.