Well, its Valley Forge day for the 5th grade at Indian Creek Elementary. 3C (3rd child) had to show up appropriately dressed, and with a packed lunch of beef jerkey or some kind of period (i.e. “Non-Lunchable”) food. Wow. Another kid project that turns into a Mom project. My creativity was lying dormant, but luckily kicked in at the last minute. Geez, if only I could figure out how to post a picture on my blog, you could see how awesome he looks! All it took was my good black jacket, about 5 bucks worth of remnant fabric, foil to cover the buttons, Addie’s borrowed lace blouse, and Dad’s hat…he must surely be the coolest kid in the whole school today. I’d love to be a bug on the wall! They’ll be outside in the log cabin and drinking mulled cider all morning…and of course his waxed-paper and muslin-wrapped peanuts and dried beef and bagel.